-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> Lou's blog: 10/29/10


Today we went to a little town called clovelly and I had a great time! There were loads of strange things about this town for instance there were no roads just cobbled paths and if people wanted to deliver things or bring grocery's home they used sledges! Not just in the olden days or something but now! Everybody had sledges outside their houses! Also there were an unusual amount of cats around town. (One of them tried to kill me! And chased leaves around?!) The town seamed to also have allot of donkeys around as they use to use them to pull there sledges. There was donkey rides (only for little little childrenL) we found a silk factory/shop and bought some silk cocoons (no they weren't going to hatchL) we also walked across the beach and found a waterfall.