-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> Lou's blog: 10/15/10

animater vs animation!

this is such a cool movie! my brother (his blog) showed me this movie with loads of others if you see his blog thay are all there. this movie must have taken hours! it tacks ages to make a one Minuit movie on this but for this long!!! he/she must have loads of Patents

Chuck Norris

tyipe in Chuck Norris into google or click hear if you are lazy (its funny just do it)

wonderfull words!

alright the title sounds nerdy but the post is cool!
hear are some cool words i came across whilst doig homework (sort of)
  • Callipygian = having a pretty bum! (eg; i have Callipygian and beautiful hair!)
  • Defenestration= to through someone out the window (ex; he annoyed me so i Defenestrated him)
  • Erinaceous = to resemble a hedgehog (eg; my mums hair is Erinaceous)
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification= describing someone useless (eg; my dad is Floccinaucinihilipilification)
  • Glabrous = smooth and Bald (eg; my dads head is Glabrous)