-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> Lou's blog: moms day prezzie

moms day prezzie

On mums day ev & me went around the village nabbing daffys for a last muinet prezzie, along with some chocolates and a BIG card (made by Evy). She was very happy with it and (luckly) didnt ask us were we got the flowers from! she was pleased that she had a day of being pamperd and getting gifts and then proceded to make our lunch for us.


  1. Day of being pampered!!!!! who, what, where, when!! Im the very proud mom of highly imaginative kids :-)

  2. I did adore getting the daffs though, and I love the ingenuity/meaness/enthusiasm of the pressie; Ye are yere mothers daughters !
    Thanks girls, XXX big mah
