-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> Lou's blog: scily!


here are some pics and drawings of the good times you missed out on in sicily.
the awesome view from our houce
one of many lizards 
mums outrage of conor's cheese sandwich in the morning

a cool greek (i think) temple that mum made us see.
(why is it in italy if its greek?)

old cool fiat

conor snorkling, mum reading, dad painting, evy/me swimming (ahem) on the beach.

havving fun with fishing nets

memrobale moments of driving past a car park with a statue of Jeusus
another beach day evy/me fishing (in vain) also our den we made, conor made a fire and found a lizard, mum sun bathing/reading (dad dident fit in the pic :-)


  1. the lizard is really cool :)

  2. I smile every time I see these, especially the car and Jesus. You are fab at capturing memories. Mom.
