-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> Lou's blog: my day in London!

my day in London!

yesterday mum me and Evy went to London! it was great! we went and saw all the famous things like the royal guards on horses, the London eye, big Ben, Tate Britain, Tate modern and then we went for lunch and walked by the river and took photos at everything (according to Evy i was to touristy in my own country) and we saw very interesting peaces of art in the Tate Britain/modern and then we were going to the market and mum broke her thumb and we went to hospital which was a odd ending to a great day but it did mean that I got another cup of black coffee (I think I had 3) and Evy and me were allowed into lionheads biscuits stash whilst waiting for mum.
me by the London eye.
to see more pics of london and hear about my great day in detail, go the the London page.

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