recently i have taken the role as a riot control police person with conours ski helmet, a baton, walky talky and red silk scarf bandanna. my latest addition is my funny spray gun (demonstrated in pic)
R.E.D is the name of the riot control force and stands for Riot Extreme Defence (cool eh?)
out of kilkenny and into fermoy. fermoy is great! it was nice visiting evryone! although the dinner table was WAY to crowded! with seven adults, three children, one baby and two dogs (not to mention all the food) it was crammed! but i did lots of stuff including, we went to a realy cool gallary (this was actualy in kilkenny) and saw many nice things. then well its all blending thogether but ruffly we climbd many wet irish hills, had a good time with relatives, ate realy good food and descoverd countless islands that strangely nobodey has ever been on befor. also i got a wonderfull perfume charm from my fab uncle. and i drew the dogs, and ate mounds of tea and cake!
BOB! i love him so much, pitty we dont own him
my cousen sam, isent he adowable!
aunt annie, always in trend
a great adventure this walk was! if i remamber correctly our map book and only hope of survival said " eventualy you will reach a waterfall "!
a great display of evil irish wether on the top of a wet hill in the rain. good fun though!